

In light of the fact that this is totally public and all, I didn't want to post that Brandon was going out of town. Didn't want any crazy people trying to break in, or whatever other scenario my freaked out little brain wanted to put together.

You see, in the past when Brandon went out of town, I had to sleep on an air mattress in the living room with the TV on because I was too scared to sleep in the bed. This time, I did it. I slept in the bed. Yeah! I'm growing up. I had the flu and therefore didn't sleep well at all, but at least I was in the bed.

I'm so glad to have him back. He was out of town on business- he had his first week of his new job, and their corporate office is in San Jose, so he needed to meet people, etc.

And he's working from home! Which is pretty cool cuz when the kids are napping I can go on errands. Pretty convenient, actually. But we've got to completely redo our home office area to fit his needs. And when he's working he's working- we try not to bother him. But I'm not complaining! We save $ on gas, I actually get to see him even though he's the bishop, and my kids love having him home.

Honestly, I don't think it's coincidence that a few months after he's called as bishop he gets a new job where he can work from home. A definite answer to prayers...


  1. I'm so excited for you guys! That new job situation sounds ideal. I hope it works well for you guys. And I'm glad you get to see your hubby (can I call my bishop that?) more :)

  2. That's awesome! That's so fortunate he is able to work from home and you can stay in UT. My father has worked for Cisco for the past decade and other computer companies before that and I grew up near San Jose. Good luck to him in his new job! :)

  3. congrats!! thats soo nice Cassie! ur blog is super cute-- :) u just adore Lexi. she is such a sweetie.
    im glad things r going well for you guys-- def answered prayers. :)

  4. Business trips are SOOO hard! However, when they get to work from home that is the best! Next time he goes out call me and we can do a girls night!
