
Funny story...

So, I have an account on lds.org so I can get into my ward's website. A few weeks ago it starts telling me I have to update my username. So, I finally get around to doing it, and I decide to just put in my username I have now... CassieWernli. But...
it won't let me. It says I can't use that username because it has 'an inappropriate word' in it. Huh? I've always known that my name, Cassie, has an inapropriate word in it, but it was REALLY funny to me that my name was rejected on lds.org. So, now my username is CWernli.

FYI- if you plan on getting an account with lds.org, don't try to sneek an 'inappropriate' word past them. They'll catch ya. :)
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  1. Ha, guess my name won't work either!

  2. they donlt know what they r talking about... ur not inapporpriate at all. :) weird... wonder if mine is considered inapropriate...??
