I've been trying to take more pictures lately. I try to tell myself that the girls don't have to do anything special for me to take pictures. But like I said earlier, it's hard to take pictures if your camera isn't that great. Oh well. So, here's some pics...
Lex and Lane. Most of the time they are great to each other. Unless one of them doesn't get enough sleep. Then all bets are off. Lexi and Lanie sleep in the same room, which can be mildly entertaining at times. Lexi's on the top bunk and Lanie on the bottom, and because of that, Lexi make Lanie into her little minion every once in a while. If there's something in the room that Lexi wants, she'll tell Lanie to get it.
So every once in a while from the living room, we'll hear: "Lanie, get that Barbie. No, not that one. The other one. No, keep going. No, by the dresser. No by the dresser Lanie. Come on Lanie, get the barbie!" It's pretty funny. And the whole time Lanie is like, "This one? This one? Oh, this one? Where is it?"
Lexi asks to hold Rett about a billion times a day. And as I was going to take a picture of it, Lanie saw that camera out and of course hammed it up for me.
My sweet Lanie. Just wanted to take a picture of her and she obliged. My girls love smiling for the camera.
Again, Lex holding Rett. Nowadays, she is actually holding him all by herself, while standing. With me right there of course. She feels like such a big girl.
Lanie has gotten a lot more independent in her playing lately. Just in the past few days, she is playing with the Polly Pockets and having them talk to each other. Up until now she's always kind of watched what Lexi does and just copied it. Now she's doing it all on her own.
Rett loves smiling. Honestly. If you give him an ounce of attention, he'll start smiling and giggling. He loves smiling at Lexi too. But he gets so distracted by the camera that it's hard to get a good shot. Here's one attempt.
I love this outfit, and I actually got him to kind of smile for the camera. So cute!