I married a muscle man.

Let me explain. So, this morning I go down to my car with Lexi so we can go to the gym. I notice that the people who plow the parking lot have left a 1 1/2 foot high, 2 or 3 feet wide pile of icy snow behind my car. I say to myself, "Well, if I just gun it, I can get over that snow." So, I gun it and get my back tires over, but now I'm completely stuck. Can't go any further back, can't go back forward because my tires have made nice little holes for themselves in the snow.
So, I call Brandon and say, "Help!" He comes down and tries to figure out how to possibly get my car out. So, after trying a few things, he just goes to the back of the car and says he'll push, and I need to put the car in drive and press the gas, because we have a better chance getting the car to go forward than back.
He starts pushing and amazingly the car moves, but is nowhere close to actually getting unstuck. He keeps pushing, and slowly but surely the car gets unstuck. I'm serious... it was unbelievable, simply because he had to push the car uphill over icy snow, with no traction for the tires.
Then HE gets in the car, and shows me how to really gun it and get the car over the stinkin ice. I hate snow.

But I love my hubbie! He's awesome.