So, I didn't take any photos in Georgia, so instead I've attached my contribution to the Proffitt Family Christmas Yearbook. Enjoy.
Here are the highlights of Georgia this year:
1. Laney not sleeping. Not great anyway. Kind of annoying, but she was teething, so we don't really blame her.
2. Lexi progressively getting crankier and crankier. We gave her an inch and she took a mile, every time.
3. Presents. My ultimate favorite are my Uggs, given to me by my awesome and wonderful husband. I also got this really cool video camera thing. It looks like an Ipod, it's so small and fits in your palm; but it takes high def videos. Go to
Lexi's blog if you want an example. So, be expecting more videos on here. :)
4. The puzzle. 1000 pieces and really hard.
Kim and I did most of it, then the boys came in and actually started helping when it got easy. :)
5. Rock band. Always fun.
6. Charming Charlie's. An incredible little accessory place where I got like 7 pairs of earrings for $30. That was a really fun gift card to spend. :)
7. Gone With The Wind. We watched it on Girls' night, and I've never been more frustrated with a movie. Maybe when I watched Perfect Storm, but they might be tied. Why ruin the movie with that ending?
8. The racecar set. I had a lot of fun putting it together with the boys, but was too impatient to actually play it. Oh well.
9. Brandon's ingrown toenail. It got really infected, and he finally went to a doctor for the first time in 4 years. Poor guy always gets sick while on vacation. They did some minor surgery and he was okay in a couple days. :)
10. Lexi's face when she opened up her dollhouse furniture. "Can we go home and play with my dollhouse mommy?" "No, we're staying a Nana's house for a few more days." "No!!" That's the only thing that would tempt her away from Nana's house.
11. Leaving Lexi's silky and Brandon's laptop in Georgia. To be honest, I was more worried about the silky than the laptop. But Lexi's adjusting well until tomorrow when Tyler will bring them both to us.
12. Laney's not a good traveler, we've decided. She didn't do well on the plane. She was exhausted but wouldn't sleep, wouldn't eat, etc. I don't know how we'll do three. Not that i'm prego, I'm NOT.
All in all, it was really fun, as usual. I have awesome in laws. They are so welcoming and loving. I married into a great family. Thanks for all the fun times, we miss you already!