I wanted to officially congratulate my hubster for getting a new job with Cisco. He starts next Tuesday, and he's excited.
This job comes with a pay increase, so that's always good.
Brandon is a very wonderful man. He has an incredible work ethic, and because of it, he will always be good at whatever he's doing.
I'm so proud of you babe. You are an incredible husband and father, and most of all, you're an incredible person. You always want to do the right thing, and you're always very cautious to make sure it's also what the Lord wants.
You are an inspiration to me, and one day I hope to be like you. Love you.
(This is a picture of something Brandon does best- making his kids laugh.)
This job comes with a pay increase, so that's always good.
Brandon is a very wonderful man. He has an incredible work ethic, and because of it, he will always be good at whatever he's doing.
I'm so proud of you babe. You are an incredible husband and father, and most of all, you're an incredible person. You always want to do the right thing, and you're always very cautious to make sure it's also what the Lord wants.
You are an inspiration to me, and one day I hope to be like you. Love you.

Congrats on the new job! Always a blessing:)