
The Last Hurrah

Since I'm hoping to be induced tomorrow (Eek), we tried to make Saturday as fun as possible before we're holed up with a newborn for a while. :)

We had free aquarium tickets, so we started the day with the aquarium in Sandy. The girls had a BLAST. I will post a video later. FYI- the sting rays at that aquarium are incredibly friendly, and the girls got some serious petting action from those sting rays. They would literally swim right up to you and pop their head out of the water for you to pet.

I actually took a camera, and this is what happens when Brandon is posed in a pic with the girls. Exaggeration.

I had to get in a pic too... and Lanie was kinda done with the picture taking thing. She wanted to look at fishies...

Then Lexi took the camera and took a pic of Brandon...
We shared a caramel apple, and then we came home. During naps I went and got my hair done. Yes, I am vain and I wanted my hair all nice and pretty for when the rest of my body will be not-so-pretty. I also got a pedicure on Friday. Ladies, you understand. When your privates are out there for all the world to see, you want at least your toes in the stirrups to be nice.

I got home from my hair appt, and then we got a sitter for the night and went to dinner and the BYU football game. It was so much fun, and it's so nice to have a night to myself with my husband. Man, I love that guy.

Now, I feel completely ready for Monday. And I'm so excited to see my boy!

In other completely random news, I have found my favorite pet and it's our turtle. I totally love our turtle. Weird, I know. I think he likes me too. When the girls are asleep at night he'll wander around until he finds me and then stays close. It's kinda cute. Anyway, this is how the turtle sleeps, and I think it's hilarious. He has one leg straight behind, and one leg out to the side. He's sleeping in this picture, and yes, he just sleeps in the middle of the floor.
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1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome!!! :D Yea on the aquarium and YEA on getting the girl pampering done...you totally deserve it!!! Hope today goes well--can't wait to meet your little guy!!! :D
