Have you been on pinterest and seen the ikea spice rack bookshelves? for a kid's room? VERY cute idea, so I went to ikea to purchase about 10 spice racks for the shelves.
The Atlanta Ikea is a freaking nightmare. HUGE, underground parking, TONS of people, etc. I looked in all the places the spice racks could be, then asked an associate to help me. They took me to another person, who said, no joke, "Ever since someone posted something on pinterest, we sell out of the spice racks the same day we get them. We are never in stock."
I decided I would have to find a different solution...
I taped where I wanted the shelves, and...

Made my own, and...
The Atlanta Ikea is a freaking nightmare. HUGE, underground parking, TONS of people, etc. I looked in all the places the spice racks could be, then asked an associate to help me. They took me to another person, who said, no joke, "Ever since someone posted something on pinterest, we sell out of the spice racks the same day we get them. We are never in stock."
I decided I would have to find a different solution...
I taped where I wanted the shelves, and...
Made my own, and...
We had a few bumps in the road, but all in all I love them. Pay no attention to the top row. Yes, we read Christmas books year-round...