Did you know... that it's 30 hours of driving to get from Utah to Georgia? We split it up in 3 days' worth. The first day we made it to Hays, Kansas. It's about in the middle of the state. Brandon had to drive our Mazda, and I had to drive our Van. I had the two girls (my mother-in-law flew Rett out, thank GOODNESS). Brandon had the turtle and the cat. I don't know who had it worse. :)
I told Brandon that I wanted to take pictures at every state crossing, and we only managed two. Once you hit Missouri, all the state crossings are in really metro cities, and it's too hard.
The first state was Colorado. :)

I cropped the pic and did a close-up of the girls because they were smiling so cute!
I told Brandon that I wanted to take pictures at every state crossing, and we only managed two. Once you hit Missouri, all the state crossings are in really metro cities, and it's too hard.
The first state was Colorado. :)
I cropped the pic and did a close-up of the girls because they were smiling so cute!
That first day was the hardest, for sure. It was our longest day, and the girls were so tired and fed up of driving. Poor Lanie kept asking when we'd get to Georgia. They did really well though. They watched movies, played with toys, and ate snacks. But never slept. Little stinkers. :)
So fun to hear about your trip--glad everything went well and that the girls were awesome (as usual!)