Recently, I wanted to look at wedding photos on the computer, so I put in my dvd full of wedding pics. I haven't once looked at this dvd. We've been married 4 years. Sad, huh? Well, it didn't work. No pictures were on it. Luckily, I still had the contact info for our photographer, I sent her an email, and asked her to send me our photos again. She was nice enough to do so, and so I've been reminiscing the past few days. Here are a few of our pictures.
I feel like we look so young here. Brandon in particular.
This is my favorite pic of Brandon. This is his classic face he does all the time, and I love that we have it on film.I feel like we look so young here. Brandon in particular.
This is why I don't do bridal photos. Because I look like a retard. But I don't have very many photos of my full dress, so this one will do. I loved that dress...
Thought this one was cute as well. As I was going through the photos (nearly 800) and putting stars by the ones I like, I realized there are a ton of us kissing. :)