Last week, we drove up to Seattle for Jason's wedding. It was a long drive, but the girls were so awesome, so it wasn't too hard. 13 hours later, we arrived in Issaquah, WA at Brandon's Grandma's house. We hung out that night, and the rest of the family arrived at 1am or so.
On friday, we went to Pike Street market. It was fun, as always. Here are some pics from the ride, market, etc. Did I mention I forgot my camera for this entire Seattle trip? Yeah. I'm awesome. So, these are all my sis-in-law Lindsay's pictures.
Cute Lanie in the car.

Lexi Lou in the car too...

Linds and Lex in the car on the way to the market.

Us waiting somewhere at the market... there were lots of us going, and we all arrived at different times, so we all needed to meet up with each other. For some reason, I don't know if it was the walking and standing a lot, but I got really dizzy at one point and had to sit and eat for a while. It was incredibly annoying. Brandon saved the day and bought me a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich. Dude, that was a goooood sandwich. That whole dizzy fainting thing tends to happen at random times during my pregnancies. But it was still tons of fun.

Lanie loved this little water fall- problem was, she wanted to swim in it. Little crazy girl...

Lexi. She was such a GOOD GIRL on this whole trip! So well behaved, and listened great. Brandon and I took Lanie home for a nap plus he had a conference call with his boss, so we left early, about 12:15. AND I wasn't feeling too well with the whole dizziness thing. Lexi stayed with Nana and hung out with the rest of the 'big kids.' She had a blast.

Lexi snuggling with Jason, the groom-to-be. Again, I think she felt so grown-up staying with all the adults.

Waiting to eat fish and chips. Good thing Lexi inherited her love of seafood from her dad...

Yikes. We look tired. But it's the only photo with just the two of us. So here it is. We also look WHITE. Warm weather needs to come to
Utah NOW.

Cute little Lanie at the rehearsal dinner Friday night. I brought coloring books and the iPad. Saved my life. Lanie just colored and watched movies the whole time. It went until way past the girls' bedtimes, so they just sat and watched movies. It was awesome.

The big day! It was seriously the busiest day ever, and I'm not even the bride! I'm sure Jason and Caitlin were exhausted. It was pretty packed with activities and pictures, and the girls were pretty tuckered out by the end.
The bride and groom, Jason and Caitlin, walking out of the temple...

Loved this picture. Lanie was so cranky at this point (it was her naptime), and the only way to keep her happy was for her to be on Daddy's shoulders.

The Wernli brothers and sister, carrying the bride. It's tradition...

Siblings and spouses...

The whole Wernli fam. Poor Lane. She gave us a run for our money.

I had the most embarrassing moment that day, at least I thought so. Good thing I hid it pretty well. So, after the sealing ceremony, I had to go to the bathroom, and in the temple bathroom, I pulled down my skirt and since it was so flowy, it got in the toilet! So gross! I hurried and went potty, and when I got out of the bathroom, I told Brandon what happened, and that he HAD to walk in front of me because my skirt was all wet! The huge good news is that I had packed an extra skirt in the car just in case my flowy one didn't quite match the colors. So I hurried to the car and got my other skirt on. Oh gosh, I was so embarrassed. But so lucky I had the other skirt.
Anyway, The girls had a blast at the reception that night. Scratch that- they didn't have fun until the dancing began. Oh boy, they were hilarious! I hope the adults didn't mind the two toddlers taking up the dance floor! Lexi was spinning like a ballerina, and Lanie was doing break dance moves! I wish I had pictures. It was awesome. We stayed until about 11pm, and finally headed back. The girls were exhausted the next day.
All in all, such a fun trip! Sunday was such a blast just hanging out with Brandon's family. I am so lucky to have such great in-laws!
Your pregnancy symptoms are the symptoms I have 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Ever need any helpful hints at dealing. Let me know.