
San Diego, part 2- birds

If you've been to the San Diego beaches, you know the birds are used to people and are used to being fed.

This bird flew down as soon as I started eating my sandwich and stayed and watched me the WHOLE TIME I ate. As soon as I put my wrapper away and finished my chips, he flew away. Thought he could get me to cave... but as soon as you do, you have 20 more birds coming for a snack.

This guy also wanted a meal. the seagulls are a lot pushier, but I wasn't even eating at the time, so he didn't really have a chance. He stayed for a good 10 minutes, just staring at me.

Thought this was funny. The whole time I was at the beach, there were 5 birds on top of the lifeguard station, perfectly spaced. If one flew away, another would replace him. Don't exactly know what they're watching for... tsunami?
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