(Yes, we have a camera again. If you want the story, click
This is my beloved red coat. It is my favorite article of clothing and I have had it for 6 years now. I realize it's not the most stylish thing in the world, but here is its story.
I was a softmore at BYU, and I wasn't the greatest at coats. Being from AZ, I never had to worry about silly things like coats before, so when I bought coats, I bought them on clearance, and didn't expect them to last long. Coats are expensive! And none of them were extremely warm.
One weekend, my sisters
Joy and
Rebecca came to visit UT, and they hung out with my
brother and me. Upon seeing the coat I was wearing, they were pretty disgusted. It was ripping at the seams and looked pretty beat up. I just said, "Sorry, can't afford a new one right now." Clark's was pretty bad too. We were starving students, what can I say? So, we went out to dinner and went to the mall.
Once at the mall, we went to Gap. We were just browsing of course, and Rebecca came upon these rockin ski coats. She said she was going to buy one for Clark and one for me. I started refusing, but she said we both desperately needed coats, and she wanted to buy them. Clark's was navy blue, and mine-red. We were both very grateful, and we took the gift. (She also bought me a cute gray pencil skirt, that I wear to this day.)
Little did I know the impact this coat would have on my life. It is the warmest coat I have ever had! But it also doesn't make me overheat in not-so-freezing temperatures. It's perfect. It lasted me the rest of my years of college walking to and from campus, now with my daughter in the cold, and I've never been so stinking warm. I never had to complain about being cold as long as I had my little red coat on. It has no rips, no stains, no nothing. It almost looks as good as when Rebecca bought it.
I still wear it, almost every day, because I know I won't be cold as long as I have it. Now I'm a little sad because my belly is getting too big for it, and I will have to endure the last 10 days of my pregnancy freezing to death.
Rebecca, you've changed my life with this gift. :) Thank you so much! I love you Rebecca, and I love you, little red coat!