So, here are some amazing pics that were taken a few days ago, and I wanted to share my birth story. I didn't want to at first, but if you are interested, I will share. Mostly because I want people to not be so scared of being induced as is sometimes described.

I decided I wanted to be induced early before even Lexi was born, but my doctor for Lexi wouldn't let me because I wasn't showing ANY signs of progression. She was finally induced 5 days late because I measured pretty low for amniotic fluid levels. Well, she was 8 lbs. 10 oz. Granted, not huge, but too big for my body. My recovery was really. hard. It took me weeks to get back to normal.

So, for Laney, I interviewed doctors until I found one that was not only willing to induce early, but felt good about it. Seeing my history, he saw that I would most likely not go into labor on my own, and would have a big baby. He agreed to induce at 38 weeks if we did an amnio and saw that the lungs were fully developed.

At 38 weeks, we went in to do the amnio. The doc that does the ultrasound before the amnio was worried. He didn't want to do an amnio because again, there's not a lot of amniotic fluid. I measured a 6. Usually, women measure between 12 and 16. At 5, they induce because it's dangerously low. His options are to either put me on bedrest and drink a lot of fluids for a week, then do the amnio and induce, or to induce now because of low levels. So, he calls my doc with the news, and my doc calls me and suggests to just induce. Yeah! I was getting a little worried that they'd put me on bedrest (torture!) and make me wait a week.

I get hooked up to the pitosin at around 11:30, and they break my water at 12 noon. I wanted to go as long as I could without the epidural. I started the pitosin dilated to a 1 1/2. At 5pm, I was hurtin. I wanted my epidural, but I didn't know how far I was dilated. If I was progressing, I could go longer. They check me. I'm dilated to a 2. 2! Forget it. Get me an epidural. This isn't worth it. Plus, I'm a wuss. 5 hours of painful contractions, and I was done.

Now I'm numb (it's hard not moving). They check me at 10pm. I'm at a 4. Agh! I started crying at this point. This is going to take 2 days at this rate! Brandon and I look at each other, and are just discouraged. But at least I'm glad I got the epidural. We watch Singin' in the Rain, and they check me at 12 midnight. The nurse says, "woah, you're at a 10. Let me wake up your doctor." I prayed really hard that she would say that! So, after 5 minutes of pushing, Laney was born. 12:15am, 6 lbs. 15 oz., 19 1/2 inches long. Perfect.

Let me tell you how much easier it is to recover from a smaller baby. I felt like I could run a marathon 3 days after giving birth. Brandon and I played racquetball on Friday. (Don't worry, I paid very close attention to my body, making sure it wasn't getting tired.)

I understand that getting induced is not everyone's cup of tea. I realize that I took the "easy way out". I know that if you can go into labor on your own, that is the best way to go. But having a healthy, smaller baby was the best way for me. I know my body won't go into labor until I'm late, and by then my baby is too big, so I prefer to get induced early.
So there you have it. Judge me if you must. :)
You did what you had to to keep you safe and healthy. Don't let anyone tell you other wise. Congratulations, again.
ReplyDeleteI'd say you understated your difficult recovery with Lex, but I am sure you just didn't want to gettoo graphic on the blog. If by "taking the easy way out" you mean doing what was best for both of you instead of choosing to maim yourself, I totally agree. Woosy;)
ReplyDeleteCongrats again, Cassie! Brekke did a lovely job with the photos. And you did a fantastic job birthing your baby! I don't think there's ever "an easy way out" when it comes to birth--one way or another, a child is going to come out of your body. I'm so glad recovery is going well. And, wow, racketball? lol Way to go! I can't wait to meet Laney in person!