
One word- fearless.

One day at the pool, Lanie was doing so well kicking and getting around with her floaties on that I decided to see how she would do without the floaties. Bad idea. She's a monster now. She LOVES swimming! As soon as either Brandon or I am in the pool, she wants those floaties off and she wants to SWIM!

These videos were taken a few days ago, and even in those few days she has gotten much better at the whole swimming thing.

There are 2 videos, only about 30 seconds long, but I couldn't decide between the two because they are so cute. You will see how excited and happy she is to be swimming like a big girl.


  1. Oh my goodness!!!! Ha! That is awesome :D so wonderful that she loves swimming :D

    P.S. Love the new pictures of the girls--they are so cute :D

  2. I had a client the other day who has lived in Arizona for 5 years now. She also has a 2 year old. She said when she first moved here and everyone told her their kid had been swimming since 2 years old she didn't believe them. Now her 2 year old is swimming and she can't believe it. It was a funny conversation because I say all the time that I've been swimming since I was 2. Now Lane can too.
