
Dumb ticket...

I got a ticket last Friday. I ran through a stop sign. BUT there were extenuating circumstances!

Here's what I need. I will tell all my readers, all 2 of you, the story, and you need to tell me if I can fight the ticket. Okay, here we go.

I was taking the girls to preschool, and it's a road that has a few stop signs. I religiously stop at these stop signs. Anyway, I had just stopped at a stop sign, and I continued driving, and I see a little boy on the sidewalk that must've fallen off of his bike. The boy was crying, and I looked to see how hurt he might be. I considered stopping and seeing if he's okay, but a van behind me pulled over and helped him, so I continue driving... only to see I'm right at another stop sign.

I have two options- screech to a stop, or glide through. To make it more interesting, let's put a COP at the intersection.

I don't want to screech to a stop because I have kids in the car and I don't want to scare them. It would have been a pretty big screech, and I didn't want them to be scared. So, I looked at the intersection and saw that the SUV at the intersection saw me and that he wasn't moving. I KNEW without a doubt that he wasn't going to move, and that we definitely wouldn't collide, so instead of screeching I glided through the intersection and immediately pulled over, before the cop could get his lights on, because I knew he would pull me over. AND the guy was kind of a jerk.

So, that's the story. I saw a little boy who was injured on the sidewalk, and I forgot about the stop sign. Technically, I did run a stop sign, but I think it's an exception.

What do you think? Should I try and fight it? I risk not being able to go to traffic school. PLEASE help me. I'm so indecisive...


  1. Go to traffic school. The chances of your beating that ticket are slim to none. Your excuses might get you out of a ticket, but once the ticket's written it will probably stick.

  2. Have to go with Spence on this one. Sad as it is to say, your chances of finding a sympathetic judge, and that's what it'd take, are slim to none. Of course, that reflects my own experiences with traffic issues. Rebecca would probably choose to fight it. And she'd win...

  3. Daniel has a similar story with a red light. We tried to fight it, but to no avail. We still had to pay $800-ish dollars AND pay for traffic school. Dumb California. If you fight it and win I will be amazed.
